Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Holy Spirit At Home Devotion

We've been talking about the Holy Spirit during Junior church on Sundays. Here's a great object lesson to do during bath time with your younger kids, or maybe while doing chores and washing dishes with older kids. 

You'll need a cup, paper towel, and water.

Fill the tub with water.  Take a paper towel and put it in the cup.  Ask your kids what will happen if you put the cup in the water–will the towel get wet or will it stay dry?  
First show them how the paper towel stays dry by placing the cup perpendicularly in the water.  The air in the cup will force the water to around the cup keeping the paper towel dry. As you are showing the dry paper towel, explain to the children that we don’t see the air and that everything in the room is surrounded by the air but it would appear that the air does not take up any space.  However, the air took up space in the cup so that water could not get it.

Even though we can’t see air, we can see that it has properties that can be seen.  This is true of the Holy Spirit.  Those who have the invisible Holy Spirit living inside them will have visible evidence.  At this point, take the opportunity to share Gal. 5:22-25.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New Church Year

A new church year is about to start, and boy have I been busy!!!!

  • New Sunday School classes will start next Sunday!!! Make sure you're there! A new attendance challenge starts too!

  • WNL kicks off in 3 weeks!!!! I am working to make WNL much more hands on and active. We are also having a huge attendance and bring a friend challenge!!!! Make sure you're there September 8th at 6:30pm!!!

  • In Junior Church we've been learning about the Holy Spirit in a very hands on way. It's been great! The kids have been very engaged. Ask them what we've been learning!!!!
I'm looking forward to a new year; It's going to be a great one!