Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately about the blessings God has given me and my family. It's truly amazing! My parents have been blessed beyond belief, still happily married after 30 years, which is not the norm (my extended family is full of divorce). My brother, who wanted to become a cop, walked in off the street (no degree), and became a police officer, a great one at that. My husband, keeps getting promoted in his job. In this economy that is a feat alone, but he is also being promoted above people with more experience. God has blessed me giving me my job here at Bethel. He designed my husband specifically for me; I could not have picked a more perfect man to spend my life with. And now we have the greatest blessing of all, a little boy on the way. This list of blessings only scratches the surface.

It makes me wonder however. Why? God continues to bless myself and my family over and over. He loves His children, and blesses them, though we are undeserving; I do not feel that's the only reason. Is it because the baby I am carrying will be a great evangelist? Or am I supposed to make a huge contribution to the kingdom? I don't know the answer, but my prayer is that I be willing.

When faced with a baby before she was married, Mary said, "Yes Lord. I am your servant."

Think about all of the blessings God has bestowed on your family (they are there). Are you willing to do whatever God asks you in any situation? Are you like Mary willing to say, "Yes Lord. I am your servant" ?