Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Activities

We have so much to be thankful for. Our kids should be practicing gratitude as well. I stumbled across and amazing article at Parents Magazine online with 20 great thankfulness crafts - just in time for Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Courageous Parenting

"Your kids are in a battle. If you don't fight for them, who will? Kids need parents with tenacity, tough love, and boundaries. The devil is "prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour" (1 Pet. 5:8), and he wants to devour and destroy this next generation."

From Courageous Living

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Up Daddy!!!

     At the Tenth Avenue North concert the other night, I heard a beautiful analogy for how we should worship God. The band asked everyone to put their arms up into the air. He then went on to say, that it was not to show everyone how spiritual we were, because look, our hands are up in the air. He told us what clicked for him the other day - his two year old daughter comes up to him, looks up at him with her big brown eyes, lifts her arms, and says, "Daddy, up please!" She didn't say, "look at me daddy, my arms are up, I'm so spiritual, give me praise." No, she says, "Daddy, up please!"

     Shouldn't we have the same mentality when worshiping God? The desire, not to appear spiritual, but just to be close to our father?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

SpongeBob Grace

Cute song prayer for kids, sung to the tune of Spongebob:

SpongeBob Grace
Who-----gives us the food that we need everyday
Who gives us the truth and the light and the way
Thank you…Amen!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camp Day 4

Talk about an amazing week!!!! Tonight was our last full day at camp, so we had all of the normal fun:
I Can't Wait, OMC, track time, and a trip to the pool.

But all of that pales in comparison to what God has been doing. (Drumrole.......buuuuuuudddduuuuuu)

Two more have been added to the kingdom tonight!!!!!!! Alicia and Rachel accepted Christ.
But wait...that's not all. Brett rededicated his life to Christ and Jadon is feeling the stirrings of the Holy Spirit calling him, but is not quite sure of what all it means yet!

Needless to say, I'm a little teary eyed tonight - ask these kids about what God is doing in their lives - it's a beautiful thing!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Camp Day 3

It was a long, hot, but great day at camp!!!! We worshiped, recreationed, Bible studied, track timed, and even went to the water park (though it was closed for cleaning for a little while).

And the best news for last.....Jennifer and Tyler accepted Christ tonight and are fired up ready to follow Him!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Camp Day 2

Though we started out a little tired, we had a GREAT day. The kids got to go to recreation for the first time... monkey ball anyone?

The kids got to go to their tracts for the day. Even Ms. Amber got to shoot at the archery field :) But it left some of us tuckered out...

Ryan got to go up on stage during the party....though he had the gross game - covering his face with Vaseline and trying to pick up cotton balls.

We had a great day, but thanks to the heat and all the activities we will all sleep good to gear up for day 3.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Centri Kid Camp 2011

We arrived safely at camp earlier today. After hauling a LOT of stuff to the rooms, we had a full evening with dinner, team time, and our first party. The kids got an idea of what to expect the next few days at camp. And already got into the spirit of things at the party - Rachel even got to play a game up on stage. Reid however was not so sure about all those big kids screaming though. The kids have a few more minutes of hang time tonight, then time to rest up for the very hot, full day ahead.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Teach What is Good

    I heard a sermon preached on Luke 10:38-42 the other day. This is where Mary and Martha are visited by Jesus. Mary sat by Jesus' feet, soaking in His words, while Martha was being the frantic hostess. When Martha complained to Jesus that she had to do all the work while Mary just sat there, He told her that Mary "chose was was good," what was important.
    Normally this passage is used to show that time with Jesus should be your priority, but Dr. Bryan Richardson applied this passage to parenthood. What are we teaching our children? Are we like Mary or Martha? You worry about your kids; you want them to get a good education, be on the right sports teams, expose them to the arts, etc. But what are you teaching your children is important? Do you miss church because your child has another soccer game that day, or there are too many chores to get done, or you have tickets to see a play. Or like Mary, are you teaching them that sitting at Jesus' feet and learning His teachings is most important?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Give, Save, Spend

 Here's a great way to teach your kids about tithing, from Splink!
Items needed: three envelopes for each child
Allowance money
Teach your children to give by using the envelope system. (This can be purchased, but it is easy to make your own. There is even an online version at Label three envelopes—give, save, and spend. Let kids decorate the envelopes, if you like.
Give your child an allowance, but give it to him or her in coins or one dollar bills so it can be easily divided into tenths. Let your child put one tenth into the “give” envelope to take to church to give to God; put another tenth into the  “save” envelope that will continue to grow until it is put into the bank; put the rest in the “spend” envelope.  (When the money is gone, the spending stops.)
Why do we give to God? (To honor God; it shows we want to put Him first because the Bible tells us to bring tithes to the church so God’s work can be done all over the world)
What happens to the money we give at church? (It is used for the expenses of the church [pay the lighting, heating, and other bills, pay the pastor, send missionaries to tell people about Jesus in other countries, help poor people, etc.])
What kind of giver does God love? Second Corinthians 9:7 says that God loves a cheerful giver—one who is glad to give!
*Don’t forget to take the money from the “give” envelope to church on Sunday. Let the family see you write the tithe check and put it in an envelope to take to church.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 14-20th is Random Acts of Kindness Week!!!! All through that week, find kind things your kids can do! It's a great way to show the love of Jesus to others!!!!

They can:
-hold the door open for someone
-donate their used books, toys, clothes
-take flowers or cookies to a neighbor
-pick up trash
-anything they can think of!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Family Ideas - Free Email

Check out SPLINK! It's a free email you can sign up for (from D6 Curriculum), giving you simple ideas to do family ministry.