Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Give, Save, Spend

 Here's a great way to teach your kids about tithing, from Splink!
Items needed: three envelopes for each child
Allowance money
Teach your children to give by using the envelope system. (This can be purchased, but it is easy to make your own. There is even an online version at www.familymint.com.) Label three envelopes—give, save, and spend. Let kids decorate the envelopes, if you like.
Give your child an allowance, but give it to him or her in coins or one dollar bills so it can be easily divided into tenths. Let your child put one tenth into the “give” envelope to take to church to give to God; put another tenth into the  “save” envelope that will continue to grow until it is put into the bank; put the rest in the “spend” envelope.  (When the money is gone, the spending stops.)
Why do we give to God? (To honor God; it shows we want to put Him first because the Bible tells us to bring tithes to the church so God’s work can be done all over the world)
What happens to the money we give at church? (It is used for the expenses of the church [pay the lighting, heating, and other bills, pay the pastor, send missionaries to tell people about Jesus in other countries, help poor people, etc.])
What kind of giver does God love? Second Corinthians 9:7 says that God loves a cheerful giver—one who is glad to give!
*Don’t forget to take the money from the “give” envelope to church on Sunday. Let the family see you write the tithe check and put it in an envelope to take to church.