Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Teach What is Good

    I heard a sermon preached on Luke 10:38-42 the other day. This is where Mary and Martha are visited by Jesus. Mary sat by Jesus' feet, soaking in His words, while Martha was being the frantic hostess. When Martha complained to Jesus that she had to do all the work while Mary just sat there, He told her that Mary "chose was was good," what was important.
    Normally this passage is used to show that time with Jesus should be your priority, but Dr. Bryan Richardson applied this passage to parenthood. What are we teaching our children? Are we like Mary or Martha? You worry about your kids; you want them to get a good education, be on the right sports teams, expose them to the arts, etc. But what are you teaching your children is important? Do you miss church because your child has another soccer game that day, or there are too many chores to get done, or you have tickets to see a play. Or like Mary, are you teaching them that sitting at Jesus' feet and learning His teachings is most important?