Thursday, July 26, 2012

Camp Day 4

We had another great, and very full day at camp today! Today was OMC - Organized Mass Chaos, the highlight of the week. All the kids got extremely messy, but had a great time - even super shy Faith had fun. The kids, freshly showered, had their last day at track time. Faith and Alicia got to perform with their track classes at the party. We ended the day with rootbeer floats. yummo!

But the absolute best part of day 4, and the best part of the whole week - Joshua accepted Christ!!!! We are so happy for the newest brother in Christ! What great, happy news to take home with us in the morning!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Camp Day 3

We are half way done! It was a great - but very HOT day! The kids had a great day learning about Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo, day two of their track times, and just hanging out having a good time. Most of the kid's can say the theme verse - Romans 12:1-2, and hopefully they are and will apply the theme of living a transformed life.

I (Ms. Amber) was the gold medal group leader of the day! And both Pastor John and Caroline got to go up on stage today!

Take a look at our day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Camp Day 2

What a full day! (Keep in mind that the boys didn't go to sleep until Midnight and the girls at 1:00 a.m.). We had Bible Study, Recreation (in the hot sun), Track Time - (basketball, weird science, splish splash, foot praise, art studio, kitchen chaos), hang time, a crazy party, worship and a whole lot of ultimate frisbee. Pastor John and I may not be moving very well in the morning (but I did have an awesome slide - and caught the frisbee). Hopefully everyone goes to sleep tonight! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

CentriKid Camp 2012

We have arrived safely at camp, after a broken trunk lock. The kids are getting aquainted with the vending machines. Things are great, except for the lack of air in the girl's house :( They should be here soon to fix it. Pictures to come soon!
