Thursday, July 22, 2010

Camp - Day 4

O.M.C.!!!!!!!! Today the kids experienced for the first time Organized Mass Chaos. The kids raced to earn as many points for their team as they could by completing task cards. Such as: run around the rec field mooing like a cow, switch shoes with someone and run around, give 3 people a shaving cream high five, and so on. No one was left dry or uncovered in shaving creme, but they had a great time. Just look:

We'll be headed back tomorrow morning!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Camp - Day 3

We got a little wet on day 3 (Ms. Amber got REALLY wet), but it didn't stop the fun! Kids had a great time at Bible Study, learning how Peter became and how we can become a new creation in Christ. They played crazy fun games at recreation, hung out, and even had a visit from the Ice Cream Fairy after tonight's party!!! Jackson and McCauley got to go up on stage and compete at the party; and Jackson won the Fiesta Explosion for his team! Some of the kids have had some bad attitutes today (lack of sleep and a lot of sugar), but some have been asking great questions! If only I could get them to show up on time....

On tomorrows agenda......O.M.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Camp - Day 2

Day two of camp is almost over - we worshiped, we Bible studied, we recreation-ed, we had fun tracks, we swam, and we partied....WE HAD FUN!!!!


Today is the first full day of camp and we are pumped!!!

We arrived safely yesterday. Though, we did have some minor car trouble, with James' jeep overheating because it was low on coolant, we were out of water to fill it and there were no gas stations close. BUT, God answers prayers. A truck pulled over and gave us some, and refused to take money. A great opportunity to show the kids' prayers being answered!

We had a great worship session, got our rooms and comfy, and at the party last night, Rachel and Brett got called up on stage to compete!!!

Everyone is a little tired right now, we had early breakfast today, but we're ready for the day. The kids are all excited for thier tracks today (even if some of them didn't get their first choice)....more to come

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Zoo Scavenger Hunt

On Saturday, I took some of the kiddos to the zoo on a scavenger hunt. Using these clues, they had to find the animals at the zoo listed in the Bible. They had a GREAT time figuring it out! It even works for little kids, getting them more familiar with the Bible. If you go as a family, try reading the verses after visiting that habitat.

1.   Balaam heard this animal talk. __________ Numbers 22:28
2.   Daniel was not eaten by a ___________. Daniel 6:16
3.   The animal was the second plague on Egypt. ____________ Exodus 8:2
4.   Aaron threw his staff on the ground and it became a slithering _____________. Exodus 7:10
5.   The reptile is mentioned in Leviticus 11:30. ____________
6.   A nocturnal creature in Isaiah 2:20 _____________
7.   Peter’s net was full of ______________. John 21:16
8.   The ____________ was standing by the throne. Revelation 5:6
9.   King Solomon’s ship had this animal in it. ____________ 1 Kings 10:22
10.                Confidence leans on a ___________ web in Job 8:14
11.This spotted animal lives in the hills in Song of Songs 4:8. ___________
12.                _________ howl in the ruined city of Babylon’s fortresses. Isaiah 13:22
13.Those that trust in the Lord soar on wings like ______________. Isaiah 40:31
14.David takes care of his father’s lambs when __________ come to steal them. 1 Samuel 17:34
15. **BONUS** Find and list any animal mentioned in the Bible not found already: