Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Zoo Scavenger Hunt

On Saturday, I took some of the kiddos to the zoo on a scavenger hunt. Using these clues, they had to find the animals at the zoo listed in the Bible. They had a GREAT time figuring it out! It even works for little kids, getting them more familiar with the Bible. If you go as a family, try reading the verses after visiting that habitat.

1.   Balaam heard this animal talk. __________ Numbers 22:28
2.   Daniel was not eaten by a ___________. Daniel 6:16
3.   The animal was the second plague on Egypt. ____________ Exodus 8:2
4.   Aaron threw his staff on the ground and it became a slithering _____________. Exodus 7:10
5.   The reptile is mentioned in Leviticus 11:30. ____________
6.   A nocturnal creature in Isaiah 2:20 _____________
7.   Peter’s net was full of ______________. John 21:16
8.   The ____________ was standing by the throne. Revelation 5:6
9.   King Solomon’s ship had this animal in it. ____________ 1 Kings 10:22
10.                Confidence leans on a ___________ web in Job 8:14
11.This spotted animal lives in the hills in Song of Songs 4:8. ___________
12.                _________ howl in the ruined city of Babylon’s fortresses. Isaiah 13:22
13.Those that trust in the Lord soar on wings like ______________. Isaiah 40:31
14.David takes care of his father’s lambs when __________ come to steal them. 1 Samuel 17:34
15. **BONUS** Find and list any animal mentioned in the Bible not found already:

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