Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Make a Difference for Jesus

Saturday, October 23rd is the national Make a Difference Day! Jesus wants us to make a difference for Him EVERYDAY! Here's some suggestions for treating others to a bit of God's love:
  • Fill a box with clothing or toys. Find an organization to give the box to (one that gives them to children would be great). Operation Christmas Child is a great one!
  • Collect aluminum cans. When you cash them in at a recycling center, give the money to a project like the Angel Tree (who gives toys to children with a parent in prison)
  • Collect used books to donate to a woman's/children's shelter.
  • Collect canned food to give to a community food pantry.
  • Collect new gloves, hats, socks, or blankets to take to a homeless shelter. 
  • Gather up some friends and go to an elderly person's house to complete chores, such as raking leaves. 
  • Make holiday cards (don't sign them) and take them to assisted living residents for them to mail to their family and friends. Take some stamps too!
* by Lucinda Rollings from Live Wire

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